Parent partnership and reviews
Manthorpe Pre-School Playgroup sees parents/carers as the most important educators in their child's life. We work in partnership with you in providing care and education for your child. Relevant information is always displayed on the notice board, sent to you via Famly and you will receive a newsletter at least once each term.
We continue to provide effect and sufficient partnership with our parents by regular anonymous questionnaires, daily and weekly Famly posts, we have a suggestion box, offer parents to leave us reviews, parent profile and practitioner passport sheets, chats at the door, ability to message any time on Famly and we have a mini library so all children are able to take books home on a regular basis.
A child’s ‘Learning Journey’ maps and follows their progress and development throughout their time at the playgroup. We use on online Learning journey system called Famly. The Learning Journey will be updated weekly with at least one observation with pictures each week for each child and there may be more depending on what activities are on that week and if your child progresses in a particular area. Formal assessments and next steps will take place 3 times for each child (December, April, July) and we do a small update each half term to let you know how your child is settling in and how they are getting on with their progress. Parents will be able to access their child's learning journey at any time and see what their child has been doing. Messages can also be sent to playgroup through the learning journey and the playgroup staff encourage parent and carer input.
We operate a key person system. A key person has special responsibility for a small group of children. Parents and children know the name of their key person from the beginning of their involvement with Playgroup. The key person will ensure that the needs of the individual child are met, including settling in and talking with parents. They will assist in keeping records of the children's progress and develop a day to day rapport with parents. Each child will receive a practitioner passport when they join Preschool which will explain all about their key person, their role, working hours and their qualifications.
Upon joining we will ask you to complete an ‘all about me’ sheet and a parent profile sheet also so we are able to get to know you and your child more and that we can fully support you both, so please find the time to fill this in.
The pre-school recognises that for children to play and learn successfully, they must feel safe and happy. It aims to ensure that children look forward to their pre-school sessions and that parents/carers feel welcome and involved from the beginning. In the first days, it is important that parents/carers and staff work together to help settle your child. It takes longer for some children than others, and parents should not worry if their child takes a while to settle in. You are welcome to stay if needed but are encouraged to only stay for a brief period. We will ask you to fill in an ‘ all about me’ sheet and a parent profile sheet to help us find out more about your child and their family so we can support you all as much as possible.
Some of the reviews we have received in recent years include;
"Keep doing what you are doing because you are all so good at it"
"We are more than happy with the fantastic service Manthorpe pre school provide for our child"
"He loves going, the staff are so friendly and he talks about his time spent there all the time and how much fun he has"
"I really like the whole setting, from walking to the door with the weeks themed board and then the list of names who will be going that day to the room where the children play it's not to big and overwhelming it's a nice size so the children have different areas to explore including outside play"
"You all really do a great job and we really appreciate all your hard work and effort to make the children have a fantastic experience when they visit Thank you all"
"Thank you for all your continued hard work and effort in helping the children learn, explore, grow and have a great day when they visit"