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Learning and development

Special Educational Needs

All children are welcomed at Manthorpe Playgroup where we aim to provide a happy, secure and inclusive environment.


All children with be supported to reach their full potential through a broad and balanced Early Years curriculum. They will be encouraged to participate in the daily routine; most sessions will include small group activities and also free choice.

At Manthorpe Playgroup we work in partnership with parents and carers to support children with any kind of individual need. If advice is needed, we would contact the appropriate agencies, working closely with them. We also receive regular advice and support on SEN issues from our Early Years Support Teacher.

Parents and carers of all children welcome at any time to talk to the staff about their child’s progress. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Shelley Odams.

The Early Years Foundation Stage

For more information on the EYFS please visit

The Early Years Foundation Stage is based around 4 Themes:

A Unique Child

Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable,   confident and self-assured.

Positive Relationships

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Enabling environments

Children learn and develop well in enabling environments in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and cares.

Learning and Development

Children develop and learn in different ways. The Early Years Foundation Stage framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities.

There are seven areas of learning and development with the early year’s foundation stage; 3 Prime areas and 4 Specific areas.


Prime Areas

Communication & Language

This includes Listening and Attention, Understanding and Speaking. In both small and large groups, children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary by talking and listening, and by hearing and responding to stories, songs, and rhymes. Group discussions take place throughout the day especially during snack and Welcome time where we share thoughts and experiences, and discuss any particular topics and also the weather, the day and the month.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Making relationships, Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness, and Managing Feelings and Behaviour form the aspects for this area. Within a nurturing environment, children are individually supported in developing confidence,  independence and self-respect. Children are encouraged to take part in activities, share and co-operate with other children and adults and through activities, conversation and example, they learn acceptable ways to express their own feelings and to have respect for the feelings of others. We provide timers to children to share their toys.

Physical development

A range of equipment and opportunities both indoors and outdoors, allows children to develop confidence and enjoyment in the use and development of their own body skills. Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care are  the focus of this area. Adult supervision enables children to safely develop increasing and control in moving, climbing and balancing. We have three different outdoor areas. The children have free-flow access to our safety surfaced and grassed play area with equipment and a climbing wall which the children can use under supervision. We have a further grassed garden area with a growing garden in which the children are involved in growing fruit and vegetables. We also have a separate fenced garden called ‘Lazy Daisy’ where the children go in organised groups. At the same time children are supported in the development of the fine motor skills required to use tools, including pens and pencils, and to handle small objects with increasing control and precision. We also promote the importance of health and hygiene talking about and encouraging healthy eating and self-care such as hand washing.

When it comes to potty training, please let us know what you are doing at home and we will mirror this at Preschool too. Let us know if there is any more ways we can support you with this too. We aim to ensure at least 60 minutes of outside time per day.

Specific Areas


Developing knowledge of Numbers and Shape, Space and Measure are the aspects for this area. Through activities children become familiar with sorting, matching, ordering, sequencing and counting which form the basis for early mathematics. As they use their developing mathematical understanding to solve practical problems, children assisted to learn and use the vocabulary of mathematics, identifying shapes and learning about size, volume and number. Songs and games help children become aware of sequences.

Understanding of the world 

This area involves learning about People and Communities, The World and Technology. Children are encouraged to talk about their families and friends and past & present events in their lives. They are assisted in exploring and understanding their environment, both within the group and also in the wider community. involvement in environmental issues such as recycling occurs on a daily basis. A range of safe and well-maintained equipment enables children to extend their technological understanding using simple tools and techniques as appropriate to achieve their intentions and to solve problems.  

Expressive Arts and Design

Exploring and using Media and Materials and Being Imaginative form the aspects for Expressive Arts and Design. Children are encouraged to use a wide range of materials in order to express their own ideas and feelings in media such as drawing, junk modelling, art equipment including; paint, glue, crayons and pencils provided for use of colour, shape and texture and the development of skills in painting, drawing and collage. Children join in with and respond to music and stories, and there are many opportunities for imaginative role play such  as dressing up, both individually and as part of a group.


This area of development involves Reading and Writing. Children are supported in leaming that written symbols carry meaning and to be aware of the purposes of writing and drawing. We have a well-stocked book area giving every child the opportunity to become familiar with books and adult led activities and story time further encourage children to read and become confident with books.

© 2024 Manthorpe Pre-school Playgroup.

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